Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

Arabic digital epigraphy
Arabic optical character recognition
Automatic generation and parsing of morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse
Automatic Machine Translation
Automatic tagging of Arabic texts
Connectionist language models
Design, use, standardization and normalization of linguistic resources (Arabic corpora, Arabic Lexicon, Anthologies, etc.)
Documents Retrieval, information searching and retrieving, search engines, and questions/answering systems
Evaluation and benchmarking of resources, applications and Arabic NLP products
Exploitation of Arabic NLP in industrial applications
Information retrieval and extraction
Language technologies for Arabic cultural heritage
Lexicon: Databases including linguistic resources (phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantics)
Machine Translation
Modern theories in language teaching for specific purposes
Named entity recognition
Optical Character Recognition
Question answering
Resources for the evaluation of applications for the written and spoken Arabic language
Stochastic language models