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Antimicrobial Resistance
Bioterrorism and Preparedness
Dynamics and consequences of antimicrobialresistance
Dynamics of infectious diseases of humans
Dynamics of infectious diseases of other species
Ecology of infectious diseases
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies
Evolution and natural selection in infectious diseases
Foodborne and Waterborne Illnesses
Genomics in infectious disease surveillance and control
Global and public health aspects of control and prevention
Global Health
Historical disease dynamics
Hospital-acquired infections
Host behaviour and infectious diseases
Infectious disease forecasting
Infectious disease surveillance
Infectious diseases in a changing environment and climate
Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases
Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology
Multi-host and multi-pathogen/parasite systems
Nosocomial Infections
Optimization of infectious disease surveillance and control
Phylodynamics and infectious diseases
Respiratory infections
Policy, economics, sociology and decision making
Sexually transmitted diseases
Social, spatial and network aspects of interaction
Socio-economic and Political Factors
Statistical methods for infectious disease data
Uncertainty in decision making
Vectorborne Diseases
Vector-borne diseases
Within-host dynamics and immuno-epidemiology
Zoonoses and other cross-species events
Zoonotic Diseases
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