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Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Biological systems
Biomedical technology
Computational methods in the life sciences
Numerical algorithms for bio-fluid dynamics
Damage, fracture and failure
Computational modeling of fracture and failure of materials and structures
Damage mechanics
Dynamic failure and fracture
Discretization methods, grid, mesh and solid generation
Grid generation for CFD and geometry definition for complex configurations
Solution adaptive grid techniques
Flow problems
Fluid mechanics
High-speed and chemically reacting flows
Multi-phase flows
Numerical algorithms for inviscid and viscous flows
Numerical methods and convergence acceleration in CFD
Unsteady flow computation
High performance computing
Interdisciplinary coupled and contact problems
Computational contact mechanics
Coupled problems in science and engineering
Interdisciplinary computational methods
Adaptive materials systems, structures and smart materials
Computational materials science
Computational polymers and polymer composites
Computer methods in materials technology
Mechanical response of composites
Smart structures and materials
Multiscale problems
Computational microtribology and micromechanics
Computational multi physics, multi scales and multi big data
Computational nanotechnology
Multi-scale computational methods for solids and fluids
Multiple-scale physics and computation
Numerical simulation methods
Adaptive modeling and simulation
Atomistics simulations
High-order methods
Extended discretization methods
High order nonlinear numerical methods
Meshless and wavelet methods
Numerical algorithms for particle methods (lattice- Boltzmann, direct simulation Monte Carlo)
Numerical and symbolic computation
Particle-based methods
Optimization, inverse problems and control
Computational inverse problems and optimization
Evolutionary and deterministic methods for design, optimization and control
Reduction methods
Structural stability and dynamics
Uncertainty quantification and error estimation
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+91 9344535349