Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

Education Technology

Teaching theory

Education learning and application

Sociology of education

Distance education and distance teaching

Continuing education

English education

Network education and training

Higher education

Education management

Teaching reform

Practice teaching

Multimedia teaching

Lifelong education

Special education

Preschool education

Adult education

Enterprise education

Sport Pedagogy


Irtual school, virtual classroom

Electronic learning


Vocational education and related disciplines

Management Science and Engineering

Management theory

Management engineering

Strategic management

Management information system

Enterprise information system and electronic government

Research and development management

Project management

Information technology management

Knowledge management

Human resources development and management

Tourism management

Modern marketing management

Public management

Enterprise management

Regional economic management

Environmental and energy management

Decision analysis

Finance and Economics

Business economics

International finance

International trade

International investment




Commodity Science

Securities investment



World economics

Development economics

Urban economics

Energy economy

Electronic commerce

Modern marketing