Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural biotechnology & developing countries
Agricultural Biotechnology regulations, rules & perceptions
Animal biotechnology
Application of artificial intelligence in food engineering research and in industry
Beverage and Fermentation Technology
Biocatalysis, organocatalysis and nanobiotechnology
Biomedical Computational drug discovery
Bio-MEMS and microbioreactors
Biomimetic and self-assembled materials
Biosensors and molecular diagnostics
Breeding and genetics
Cell and tissue engineering
Cellular and molecular biology
Composition of foods
Control and system engineering for food industry
Crop breeding, genetics & genomics
Diet-related diseases
Domestic animal breeding, genomics & biotechnology
Drug screning and pharmaceutical synthesis
Electronics and instrumentation in food industry
Environmental Biotechnology
Enzyme Engineering
Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems
Coasts and Seas
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Cognition
Development and environment
Development Planning and Policy
Disasters Management
Education on Energy and Environment
Environmental economics - sustainable services and systems
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental law - environmental policies
Environmental performance of enterprise