Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

Diabetic foot: care and Diabetes and cancer
Diabetes and the brain
Diabetic kidney
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic neuropathy
Diabetic mastopathy
Macrovascular complications: Coronary artery diseases, cardiomyopathy, and stroke
Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults LADA
Preclinical safety evaluation of stem cell-based therapies for diabetes
Prognostic marker
Diabetic nephropathy marker
Molecular markers for both metabolic syndrome and hypoglycemia response
Genetic lifestyle interaction in the development and prevention of diabetes
Physiology of the endocrine pancreas
Alpha and Beta cells
Physiology of Diabetes Type 1
Physiology of Diabetes Type 2
Pathophysiology of hypoglycemia
Epidemology and pathogenesis of diabetes
Diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Diabetic myelopathy
Pathogenesis of diabetes
Recent advances in genetics of diabetes
The Role of Incretins in Insulin Secretion
Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2
Gestational Hyperglycaemia and Diabetes
Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus
Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults
Diabetes in children
Immune Intervention diabetes
Paediatric diabetes
Monogenic Forms of Diabetes
Neonatal Diabetes
Diabetes and Metabolism
Clinical Diabetes and Diagnostic Approaches
Diabetes and its Complications
Diabetes Management
Endocrinology: Patient-Oriented Case Management Discussions
Advanced Technologies for Treatment of Diabetes
Advancement of New drug/Biomarker Discovery for Treatment of Diabetes
Computational Approaches for Diabetes
Regulatory and Economical Aspects in Diabetes Research