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Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies
Gender Studies and Feminist Research
Cultural Performances
Culture of Gender
Cultures of Computing
Dilemmas in Bio-Medical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good?
Feminist Inquiry: Strategies for Effective Scholarship
Feminist Political Thought
Gender and Media Studies: Women and the Media
Gender and Representation of Asian, African, Australasian, American and European Women
Gender and Technology
Gender and the Law
Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies
Gender, Power, and International Development
Gender, Power, Leadership, and the Workplace
Gender, Race, and the Complexities of Science and Technology: A Problem-Based Learning Experiment
Gender, Sexuality, and Society
Identity and Difference
International Women's Voices
Issues of Representation: Women, Representation, and Music
Latina Women's Voices
Literary Interpretation: Literature and Urban Experience
Medicine, Religion and Politics in Africa and the African Diaspora
Race and Identity in Literature and Arts
Reproductive Politics
Rethinking the Family, Sex, and Gender
Sexual and Gender Identities
Contemporary Family
Economic Aspects of Work and Family
Violence, Human Rights, and Justice
Women's and Gender Studies
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+91 9344535349